Starting out with the
Boston Post Mortem - 10th Aug, 7-10pm at the usual venue, the Skellig in Waltham.
The speaker this month, Terrence Masson, who will be giving a SIGGRAPH roundup.
Boston Game Jam - 21-22 Aug at the MIT site in Cambridge MA.
The theme for this event is about "Immigration" It should be a fun and light hearted event and a chance to mingle with other devs in the area.
Boston Game Loop - 28th Aug 9am start with conferences kicking off at 11am till the end of the day, held at the MS NERD building in Cambridge, MA $40 donation.
Scott of MacGuffin Games has more info
Boston Unity Group - BUG - 31st Aug 7-pm at the MS NERD Centre, Cambridge MA.
This is a great event and networking opportunity for game devs and for anyone who uses or is interesting in using and learning more about Unity. The prior event, which was the first, had people from many different backgrounds using the game engine for none game uses, so was very interesting to see people show off their projects.